"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.
Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one's being, but by integration of the contraries." - Carl Gustav Jung

Is establishing the first school in Norway where the art of reuniting, whether it pertains to people in general, the individual self, or the surroundings, is key.
With the Can Pal Point and Caty Mari's unique teaching method, along with this memory register encompassing our physical-genetic memories, we move from intelligence to consciousness to achieve a wholeness deeply anchored in an optimal midpoint within our physical body.
Between our inner world and the outer subtle dimensions, there are so many elements that influence us and our actions, which we sometimes struggle to understand. This space where both worlds intersect is precisely the space where Mona Stackelberg intervenes. Her uniquely special way of guiding people gives real meaning to existence as a whole.
Life itself is a school. We build ourselves up using our initial (or innate) personality. It is based on this personality that we choose to handle the situations that arise in life. Every action, easy or difficult, good or bad, is an opportunity that is there to help us develop or discover our own resources or qualities, which the initial personality already contains. All the experiences we have throughout life define who we are or become.
But are we aware of everything that is part of the big picture and how the subtle has a real and concrete impact in life?
There is so much more to existence that we cannot feel, touch, or prove. These subtle parts of life can have an enormous effect.
When we talk about energies, we add this extra dimension to the existence of life. How can we better understand and also compose with these invisible parts or this natural chemistry (alchemy) that occurs in every step of life, all around us and all the time?
Above what is around us, we also have an inner bioelectric circle, vibration, or energy that reacts to the external subtle energy system or vibration waves. This is where we enter into the science of how energies work as a whole.
From personal experience and accumulated knowledge in general psychology, personal development, energy therapy, and her natural abilities, Mona Stackelberg makes a difference with her diverse and varied palette of knowledge in her role as a Life Consultant & Therapist which she uses in; Group work, personal sessions, family matters, business-related contexts, conferences, and discussion groups based on various themes.
From Intelligence to Conscience
with the Can Pal Point
Caty Mari, a person who dedicates her life to promoting and teaching about the essence of peace, whether it is internal within the individual or in relation to others. Her unique approach to promoting unity brings about significant change. The way she explains, conveys her incredible Science and Wisdom is something truly special to experience.
Caty Mari
It's a special encounter, that's for sure. Caty has changed the lives of many and has helped thousands of people move forward where other professionals have given up or couldn't find solutions, both mentally and physically!
Her uniquely special way of working makes it clear and evident to those who meet her that there are solutions to most things through concrete, simple, and sometimes a bit more challenging steps in everyday life to overcome obstacles, but nothing is impossible!
She also has this ability to get to the root of things, sometimes uncovering causes that we didn't even realize could be the reason, as she transcends all boundaries to what the mind understands.
Native from Ibiza, Caty was an independent businesswoman in the fashion industry until one day when she woke up with information that completely changed her life.
Can Pal Point
The Can Pal Point, a memory point that is the first cell, after conception and which is also the point of union between mind and materia.
Here there is an infinite number of information at the quantum level.
When the mind (spirit) that has all the information about the memory lived during past lives is put together with the memory lived at the physical genetic level, it creates a kind of reset and the two agree. The head calms down, the person becomes more confident and much more grounded.
This is where all the memories of our material evolution lies.

CALPULLI - Ecole de vie Caty Mari
When we talk about adapting traditions to current needs, this is an example;
The ancient Calpulli tradition consisted of a large house or neighborhood that operated in a self-sufficient manner and with a specialization of work or functions beyond the ordinary.
The concept of family in a Calpulli includes friends, relatives, or people who get along well with each other.
Each Calpulli had its own social identity, but that did not prevent the Calpullis from standing together or communicating with each other in a good way.
Members of a Calpulli put their skills at the disposal of the common good and to provide support or assistance to those in need.
They worked for a Calpulli and at the same time for the rest of the community.
Today we will define Calpulli as a group of friendly families with the same ambitions and a function that identifies them.